Find and Live Your Exciting Dream

We have just ended year 2020, which had its challenges. I do not know what your dreams were and whether you lived them. Now we have entered year 2021. May be there were some disappointments on how things turned out to be. But not all hope is lost.

You need to keep on dreaming as long as there is still breath in you. Things can still happen. A dream refers to what you want to be or achieve in your life. You acknowledge that you are not there yet. The dream may relate to any aspect of your life. This maybe about your career, job, marriage, family, business, or ministry.

The good news is that it is possible. You can achieve your goals in life and live your dreams. What can help you live your dream?

1) Know exactly what your dream is

Some people have several dreams, but they are not precise. They are unable to put them down in clear and concise words. Write down your dream, which is turned into a goal with a timeline. When asked about their dreams, some people appear not to be sure or tend to generalize. Know exactly what you want to achieve in life in each period.

2) Read your dream every day so you can paint it in your heart

Once you have written down your dream, ensure that it is in an easily accessible place. See it every day. Read and think about it until it is fixed in your mind. By so doing, you are planting it in your subconscious mind. Once it is in your subconscious mind, it shall be fulfilled as all required resources shall be found.

3) Take the required action

Act on the idea you shall receive towards the fulfilment of your dream. Your subconscious mind shall play a great deal in finding the way. Put in place a plan as guided by your heart. Action is important. Once you are prompted by your heart to act, act without delays.

The limit to living your dream is you. Once you desire some thing enough, you shall be driven to achieving and living your dream. Know exactly what you want out of life. Then write it down and read it. That paints a picture in your heart, especially if it is mixed with emotion. It is possible. Always remember, action is particularly important for anything to happen.

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