Recent observations of the tech market suggest that the cities of China, especially Shanghai and Beijing, will surpass the business process outsourcing destinations in other countries. There are several factors that have favored the growth of the outsourcing market in these cities. Firstly, the huge population of these cities serves as a great human resource that can be employed in the industry. The people here have the skills required for executing BPO services. The political stability of the country is another important factor that encourages the establishment of call center companies in this region. Abundant human resources reduce the operational costs of the industry since skilled labor is easily obtained from them.
Shanghai acquires the seventh position among the other destinations of Asia that are preferred for outsourcing service. The Chinese cities are constantly improving their infrastructure and making significant investments in the development of conversational skills, infrastructure and technology. The people are being trained to acquire a good command over English language so that they can be employed in BPO jobs. The country is investing in technological advancements, such as, improved internet connection.
More and more people in China are acquiring conversational skills in English language, which seems to encourage the growth of its BPO sector in future. Availability of cheap skilled labor, technological advancements, better internet connection and the right kind of infrastructure create a perfect atmosphere for business process outsourcing in China. The dynamic global market of today has caused the companies to maintain low operational costs but at the same time increase their productivity. The services that are usually outsourced to business process outsourcing companies are time, resource and cost intensive. The business process outsourcing market of China has come up with effective solutions to these problems. The Chinese BPO firms provide faster, efficient, cheaper and flexible outsourcing services to the companies in need of it.
China is experienced in providing outsourcing services and that is why the businesses prefer to outsource their services to the BPO firms of the country. They have the skilled employees who are absolutely perfect in the execution of their tasks. The call center agents in this region, are well trained and qualified, and maintain accuracy in the delivery of their services. These people have the tenacity to work in long shifts at comparatively low wages. They are thus, able to provide excellent customer support services round the clock. This is a unique feature of the Chinese BPO industry has made it a popular outsourcing destination for business enterprises across the world.
A wide array of business process outsourcing services are operated by the call centers in China and these include- legal, accounting, telemarketing, medical transcription, human resource, graphic design, customer support, data entry, application development, back office and business outsourcing services. The BPO firms deliver their services within the time period set by their clients and this is what that attracts them the most towards these outsourcing destinations. The BPO sector of China will definitely lead the global call center industry in the years to come.